
Jody Williams – Righteous Indignation with Sparkle

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Jody Williams discusses what has fueled her activism for over 30 years and her latest passions around stopping gender violence and killer robots.  Tell me how you got started. My first protest was against US involvement in Vietnam and it awakened me to a different understanding of my country, the US.

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May We All Live in Harmony: World Peace Music Playlist

To show that peace is alive and kickin’, Peace is Sexy presents this World Peace Music playlist which includes all new music (i.e. from this millennium and not the 1960s) or lesser heard covers of classics. We’ve included some artists that have already been featured on Peace is Sexy like emma’s revolution, Colby and Awu,

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Muslims and Islam Are NOT the Enemy of the West

An open letter to Westerners by Guest Contributor Matthew Johnson Dear Westerners: Muslims and Islam are not the enemy of the West. I wish this statement was without controversy, but with the rising tide of Islamophobia (i.e. irrational fear of Muslims) in the United States and elsewhere, it is clear that it is not. There

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Robert J. Burrowes on the Legacy of War

by Robert J. Burrowes, contributor As the world continues to engage in various commemorations in relation to World War I, Australia approaches the centenary anniversary of a defining event in the nation’s history: ANZAC Day. On 25 April 1915, and for many days after, Australia suffered savage losses at Gallipoli in Turkey. Sometimes when we

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Alice Richmond – Peace in Tech

by Alice Richmond, Delivery Manager Last month (October 2015), I spoke at a conference in Barcelona on the topic of communicating peacefully with teams and clients. Often the phrase “Peace in Tech” is referring to promoting technology that reduces the need for aggressive and peace disturbing manufacturing processes for hardware. It is so easy to

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40+ World Leaders Joining Global Oneness Day – Just Around Corner

Have you seen the names of the world leaders, scientists, entertainers, spiritual leaders, activists and business leaders who are part of Global Oneness Day this year? Global Leaders pick and choose what programs they will participate in and an extraordinary number are gathering on Global Oneness Day, Saturday, October 24th, 2015 to celebrate this “Earth

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#youth4peace – Redefining Youth as Peacebuilders

There is a widespread perception that youth are trouble makers. Economists believe a large youth population to be problematic for a country. Police forces (notably in the US) distrust youth and often target youth. Youth are considered to be particularly susceptible to violent extremism. And even governments consider youth as too young and inexperienced to

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