
May We All Live in Harmony: World Peace Music Playlist

To show that peace is alive and kickin’, Peace is Sexy presents this World Peace Music playlist which includes all new music (i.e. from this millennium and not the 1960s) or lesser heard covers of classics. We’ve included some artists that have already been featured on Peace is Sexy like emma’s revolution, Colby and Awu,

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Muslims and Islam Are NOT the Enemy of the West

An open letter to Westerners by Guest Contributor Matthew Johnson Dear Westerners: Muslims and Islam are not the enemy of the West. I wish this statement was without controversy, but with the rising tide of Islamophobia (i.e. irrational fear of Muslims) in the United States and elsewhere, it is clear that it is not. There

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In Defense of Muslims AND Liberalism

by Matthew Johnson It is no secret that despite the softening of rhetoric against Muslim terrorists since Sept. 11, 2001, the so-called West and the so-called Muslim world remain locked in an eternal battle over non-negotiable values that represent the foundation of both so-called civilizations — at least this is what many are led to

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