
Peace is Profitable – A Marketing Idea

by Doug Hoffman What could be more valuable than having other people tell your story? Over the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic shift in how people gather information.  We have gone from a time when people gathered most of their information from TV, radio and newspapers, all controlled by large companies, to a

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Monica Brasov Curca – Transmedia Storytelling for Peace

Monica Brasov Curca shares how peacebuilding can benefit from the public health strategy of behavior change communication.  Tell me how you got started. PAX Manifesto is a creative peacebuilding strategic communications organization; it was born out of a desire to marry my former work in strategic communications which focused on health and refugee social justice

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Ambassador Bird – A Whole New World of Peace

What do a talking dove, a grumpy seagull and a stray kitten have to do with world peace? Plenty. The talking dove is the central character in The World of Ambassador Bird, a children’s media brand that invites peace-loving companies to partner with them in empowering families and children around the world. The multi-national main

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