YogiBreak was an idea that came to me as my own yoga practice evolved over the past 3 years. I was trying to figure out how to integrate my professional life (read: office work) and with my yoga life. Working in an office is often a grind; I saw an opportunity to bring yoga into the workplace by acting as a bridge between businesses and yoga teachers. Corporate Yoga exists on a small scale, usually in the most innovative organizations like startups, but the question for me was : “How can we increase Yoga in the workplace so it becomes mainstream?” With YogiBreak, I think we can bring about a transformation in the workplace, for employers, employees, and for how people view and experience work. I was having a meal at Cafe Gratitude in San Francisco with a good friend/supporter on the project when the idea crystallized. “Yoga at work as a concept, has really good vibes,” he kept saying and it really encouraged me. That’s when I decided to really go for it.
Because YogiBreak is in the very early stages of a business (the idea is 4 months old, the website has been live for 2 months), I’m really enjoying the entire process of building and refining the product and trying to get it out there. As a solopreneur, I’m wearing every single hat: web design, PR, sales, insurance, scheduling, branding, marketing etc. So far, I don’t have to devote 100% of my time to YogiBreak, but when I do work on it, I get to wear all these different hats and I enjoy it. I find it really creative.
What’s been your biggest accomplishment?
The biggest accomplishment to date is bringing a luchtime YogiBreak to the Hub in the Bay Area. Piloting YogiBreak in a place where the members work really hard, yet are open to this type of venture, is a great experience. YogiBreak is really representative of the Hub and the ideas that come out of it. I’m excited for what’s yet to come as we begin to engage local orgnizations and startups.
Biggest challenge?
Business-to-business sales is a tough nut to crack. Figuring out different types of approaches to engage and get clients is still an experimental process. The audience that I’m trying to engage isn’t necessarily easy for me to access. I’m working on making sure the right decision-makers get their hands on YogiBreak and see its value to both their employees and creating a better work environment – and to their bottom-line (retention, health insurance savings, etc.).
Who or what inspires you?
I’m inspired by social entrepreneurship and social business. I think that’s the most dynamic way for change to happen across the country and around the world. There are companies engaging in social entrepreneurship in different sectors: technology, wellness, design, media… The landscape is dynamic. That inspires me to contribute to this community and to the greater good.
Why is peace sexy to you? What does “Peace is Sexy” evoke for you?
I think it’s pretty cool when transformation takes place. When something new empowers, transforms, shifts an organization, the environment, relationships, when something like that is enacted, the power of seeing that and seeing that as a lasting change… that’s really sexy. when things are created out of thin air, and set up to last over time, so that they’re empowering, engaging, lasting, that’s really sexy.
What is a simple thing you do to create peace? What is something you do everyday?
I have a simple yoga practice. By practicing with other people, the energy that’s created in each individual and in myself can radiate throughout the entire day. That mindset can shape how we talk, interact, hear people. It elevates a deeper sense of connection with people – and ultimately I think creates a more peaceful and understanding society.
How would you like Peace is Sexy to make a difference in what you are up to?
I’m pretty grateful to Peace is Sexy for inviting me, highlighting YogiBreak and being part of a community of individuals. I’m honored to be side by side with those other organizations and people. Because of that I hope the platform will give more exposure to YogiBreak. I want Peace Is Sexy to be one of the vehicles for YogiBreak to get into workplaces across the US and the world. I think Peace Is Sexy is a vehicle for transformation for all the organizations that are highlighted and I absolutely want to be a part of that.
Where would you like to see your passion go in the next 10 years? 20 years? 100 years?
New places. I want to have the fortitude and curiosity to do different things with my life and I want the ability to work in fields that perhaps I don’t know a lot about now – but could venture into later. I want to follow my passions as they evolve. I’m up for a professional and personal adventure! For example, right now I’m working in a number of spaces including yoga, wellness, food and hunger, but in 5 years, maybe I’ll open a zero-waste restaurant, or maybe I’ll move to Florida for a year and start a blog about my favorite American football team, the Miami Dolphins.
Is there anything else you want to tell us?