Real Name: Abena “Liza” Dagate
Home Country: Ghana
Age: 18
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 79 kg
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Base of Operation: Himalayan Retreat
Powers: Ability to intuitively organize anything, creating—forcing—order out of chaos in a wide variety of ways.
Real Name: Murat Uyaroglu
Home Country: Turkey
Age: 16
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Base of Operation: Jordan
• Can levitate any object into the air, no matter how heavy.
• Can lift himself into the air, effectively giving him the power of flight.
• Can levitate and maneuver several objects at once, creating a barrage of rocks or other debris.
Real Name: Hope Mendoza
Home Country: Philippines
Age: 21
Height: 157 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Base of Operation: Philippines
• Chemical control over the brain, which enables her to induce love, compassion and happiness in others
• When she induces happiness in a subject, that person becomes susceptible to her persuasion.
Real Name: John Weller
Home Country: USA
Age: 22
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 91kg
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Base of Operation: THE 99 Steps Foundation, Seville, Spain
• Darr can stimulate any organism’s nociceptors, the nerves associated with feeling pain.
• With greater effort, he can also take away a person or animal’s pain.
Teshkeel Media Group’s business and social objectives are to create exciting animated television programs for young families and children throughout the world. The idea is to offer new role models of superheroes born of Middle East history and Islamic archetypes that possess values shared by the entire world.
THE 99 are those young role models.
Eventually, there will be one from each of ninety-nine countries. They are roughly split between boys and girls. Each of THE 99 possesses a certain gemstone that has imbued in it a special power. While each of our heroes has his or her own power, each of their powers is enhanced by working in teams of three. Our characters must decide which three heroes and sets of powers are best suited to solve the problem at hand. It is through this process that the values of tolerance and diversity become one of THE 99’s most valuable continuing story themes. Talk about making peace fun!
Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, the creator of THE 99 saw a need for new role models that children from China to Chad to Canada could relate to as their own without the parochial influence of any nation, religion or individual.
Soon THE 99 will appear on television screens throughout the world. With its production partner, Endemol UK, the world’s largest syndicator of television programs, twenty-six episodes of THE 99 animated television series are reaching completion. Another twenty-six have been commissioned.
Check out the video of The 99’s creation story: