A graphic designer talks about how a simple image he posted on Facebook started a global movement for peace.
Israeli graphic designer Ronny Edry used Facebook to post samples of his work. Sometimes he’d get a few comments or a like… until he posted an image of himself and his daughter with the slogan “Iranians, We will never bomb your country” and that image went viral. Not only did it go viral, but it started the Israel Loves Iran Facebook group which has over 100,000 supporters, but has also spawned dozens of other groups. Ronny and his team have now started the Peace Factory which acts as a bridge of communication between people in the Middle East. They’ll also create a great image of you with their logo. Send your picture to PeaceFactory2012 (at) gmail (dot) com with the subject: votePeace. Check out the video below in which Ronny gives a TED talk with the story of how this all came to be.
How can you make peace go viral?